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Notice: is the historic site of    
showing the many years of growth. Visit to stay up to date with all the progress, news, launches & more

The kind of world most of us have dreamed of all our lives is possible... and we are creating it for ourselves NOW – not somewhere in the distant future, but here in our own lifetime.

An African philosophy with profound modern relevance; A way of life to cherish and inspire us all.

Make a difference today by contributing,

and spreading the message of unity and abundance. 

Discover the offerings available to you as gifts, education, and marketing tools. 

Using the tools of enslavement as tools of Liberation

Without any Violence, Opposition or Conflict.

We are the creators of our own reality – We are divine powerful beings with infinite creative powers. But it requires the energy of action to create that reality. So, let us act now – do something today, that will initiate that beautiful future for you and your loved ones and all of humanity – Do not sit on the fence and wait for someone else to do something. Read this website – Inform yourself – And take action.

Be the seed of consciousness in your community.

Since 2005, the UBUNTU Movement has grown to over 140 countries, and matured into a movement that unites people from all walks of life into higher levels of consciousness and a simple plan of action to create a world of abundance & prosperity for all – across all borders and cultures. A world that can never fall back into the mess we find ourselves in today. Our system is called CONTRIBUTIONISM – where everyone contributes their talents and skills for the benefit of all in their community.

No-one homeless; No-one hungry – Everyone cherished for their talents and contributions.

We call it “ONE SMALL TOWN – Will Change The World”

Key ONE SMALL TOWN Documents to Download:

Learn how you can transform your town and community into place of abundance and prosperity for all:


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Jeremiah Henry Austin TX intro.jpg
Guidelines For ONE SMALL TOWN Supporters

What to do – What NOT to do

Please DO NOT call your Mayor, or set up a meeting or make contact with the media, or the Mayor, or any council members, about the ONE SMALL TOWN plan – until you have been in touch with your local OST Ambassador or Michael Tellinger. We will work with you to develop a strategy to approach your Mayor or Councillor or Community Leader. 


  1. Join the UBUNTU movement online - Become a member here and sign up to the newsletters.

  2. Our main focus is ONE SMALL TOWN implementation - Follow the NEWS HERE.

  3. Become a PATRON of ONE SMALL TOWN - Support the initiative - we need all the support we can get. 

  4. Read our website and watch all the videos - Tell everyone. Share the website link:  with your friends.

  5. Get a copy of the UBUNTU book online - it is a great inspirational read. It will give you a full perspective of the philosophy and many other critical facts that have led to the creation of the movement. Order the UBUNTU book here:

  6. Watch the original 5 minute ONE SMALL TOWN  video here and as many videos as you can on the website to inform yourself fully.

  7. Ensure to watch the most recent videos – while being fully informed about our history and our evolution since 2005. Do not imagine that you are informed by watching older videos.

  8. Watch the ONE SMALL TOWN Implementation Crash Course VIDEO HERE

  9. Study the Introduction to the Mayor PowerPoint Presentation - HERE

  10. Start a weekly Meet-up group to discuss the ONE SMALL TOWN plan of action – grow your support group as big as possible.

  11. If you have a HOT lead to a Mayor, or community leader, or influencer - Contact your ONE SMALL TOWN Ambassador in your country – Find them HERE

  12. They will advise you what to do and help devise a strategy to approach your Mayor with the official OST Proposal and PowerPoint presentation.

  13. If there is no Ambassador in your country, contact Michael Tellinger.

  14. If you have what it takes to become an Ambassador for INE SMALL TOWN in your country, contact Michael Tellinger here:

  15. Become a seed of consciousness in your community - tell everyone about the ONE SMALL TOWN plan for a world free from economic slavery.

  16. Make a small monthly contribution to the UBUNTU office to keep things going CLICK HERE

  17. Or BECOME A PATRON of ONE SMALL TOWN - HERE.  The more patrons we have, the more effective we can be.

  18. Every day we get closer to making this a reality - it's just a matter of time - ONE SMALL TOWN is coming.

We are implementing the OST plan in several towns, in more than one country at present. All our efforts are going into making these a great success. This does not mean that we must stop spreading the message and growing the awareness, and generating interest from other towns and Mayors. So please keep sharing the information.

We are the 99.99% and the planet belongs to its people - Not to corporations and governments that have unlawfully claimed our planet as their property. 

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