One Small Town (“OST”)
Code of Conduct and Data Privacy Consent
Code of Conduct
1. Each member or contributor is responsible for reading, understanding, and adhering to the One Small Town Code of Conduct (COC). Please note that updates may be added without notification. If you have any questions or concerns about the COC or any updates to it, please contact your Country Ambassador. When you join OST as a member or contributor, connect with OST on community platforms, and/or participate in any OST sponsored events, these actions indicate your concurrence with the One Small Town COC and your commitment to abide by the guidelines outlined herein.
2. Ubuntu Planet Non-Profit is the sister company to One Small Town (“OST”) and therefore the same Code of Conduct applies to both
3. We encourage members/volunteers to invite others to join OST. To join OST, please have prospective members/volunteers visit https://www.onesmalltown.org. Please note that only registered members/volunteers may participate in OST sponsored events and platforms, which allows us to create safe space for members/volunteers to connect.
4. Only One Small Town Ambassadors may establish OST groups online or on social media. No person shall use OST contact information to create or co-opt the OST group for a different purpose, such as creating a separate non-OST group (including separate social media groups, etc.) or promoting or selling non OST goods and services.
5. Members/volunteers who wish to host local OST meetings must do so with permission and guidance from their OST Country Ambassador or approved Group Leader. Group Leaders are approved and authorised by Country Ambassadors.
6. Any use of Ubuntu or OST’s logo, documents, presentations, videos, promotional materials is obtained directly from your country's OST Ambassador, or directly from the OST information and resources hub subject to access rights being granted from Global Office or your OST Ambassador. These materials remain the intellectual property of One Small Town and Ubuntu Planet and should not be shared unless you have strict authorisation.
7. Respectful and spirited debate can be resourceful when done within healthy boundaries. However, if said debate devolves into an argument or disruptive behaviour, this may result in member or contributor(s) being removed from the group and potentially from OST altogether. The Ambassador’s decision in this regard will be final.
8. Practice kindness by treating other OST members/volunteers as you would like to be treated. As a part of this, please avoid posting third-hand comments, gossip, or attacks on one another. You are encouraged to share your personal ideas and strategies, however, please do not offer unsolicited advice, which is seldom appreciated.
9. Please do not intimidate or threaten other members/volunteers. Such behaviour will be considered disruptive and may be cause for immediate termination of your OST membership or contribution. If a member or contributor ever feels threatened, he/she must immediately report this to the Country Ambassador.
10. Comments, opinions, and videos posted on OST platforms do not necessarily represent the views of One Small Town, nor that of the owners or organisers of the group. As all videos come from other social media sites, it is those organisations who have the power to take them down. All written comments and videos posted are subject to OST's Code of Conduct guidelines.
11. No offensive sexist, racist or gender comments are permitted.
12. If any member or contributor feels that these rules have been broken, he/she must contact their Country Ambassador immediately.
13. Every member or contributor should sign the Ones Small Town Consent Form attached to this document
14. Every member or contributor should read and agree to their local group’s constitution supplied by their Local Group Leader in paper format
Data Protection Act:
In order to provide a professional and effective service, we need to keep a record of your personal information which may contain personal and sensitive information.
To comply with data protection regulations, we must tell you how this data will be used and ask for your permission. By signing this form, you are permitting your country One Small Town Ambassador as Data Controller, to process your data for the purposes below.
Permission to store your data.
This information will include your full name, contact details, the person to contact in event of emergency and any details of your membership or volunteer tasks with us.
In addition, we will use your contact details to keep you up to date with activities, training and special events and recruitment opportunities. All personal information is treated as private and confidential and will only be seen by your country One Small Town Ambassador, One Small Town Local Group Leader, the Group Admin/Coordinator, the One Small Town Global Database Administrators, as well as Michael Tellinger.
This data will be stored by the One Small Town Global Head Office in an electronic database. If for any reason you are requested to sign any paper copies, the said copies will be securely stored in a locked filing cabinet at your Group Coordinator’s location. You have the right to see any information that we hold about you, and to have your details removed at your request.
We do not share your information with any other agencies or companies outside of the One Small Town group of companies/organisations, as listed on the website.
When you no longer wish to be a member or contributor at One Small Town, you may ask us to hold your personal information should you want to be a member or contributor again at a later stage. If this is not the case, we will remove you from our database and, if applicable either return all paper copies to you or shred them whichever is your wish.
I have read and understood the information above, and I give written consent for One Small Town to hold personal information about me.
The following signature has the dual purpose of providing my agreement to the One Small Town Code of Conduct as outlined on pages 1 and 2 AND my consent for One Small Town to hold my personal information for the purpose of receiving a paper/electronic communication as outlined on Page 3
About the organisation
One Small Town is a project created by the UBUNTU PLANET Non Profit Company in South Africa by
Michael Tellinger.
The company details are as follows:
UBUNTU PLANET NPC (Non Profit Company) Registration number: 2014/158534/08
Policy Notice
Our data policy is compliant with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and South Africa’s Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA)
OST - shall mean One Small Town
UP - shall mean Ubuntu Planet
“Member” - an OST member is anyone who attends group meetings, whether in person or virtually and participates in the meetings
“Contributor” - an OST contributor is anyone who attends group meetings, whether in person or virtually and ‘contributes’ their services free of cost
“OST Group Leader” - is the appointed OST local representative who is responsible for each p co-ordination of their allocated town/location/area
“Country Ambassador” - represents OST (and Ubuntu) on a National level and will coordinate information, activities, policy and guidance at both a global and national level on behalf of the Ubuntu and One Small Town’s organisations